Thursday, January 21, 2010

All hyped up

Well it is clear that if we are not all blogging, Twittering, spend the requisite number of hours per week on Linked In, scrabbling to enter every conceivable business card on Outlook, manicuring our entry on Facebook.....then we are very much second class citizens.

Do you not feel this pressure to conform? To be like everyone else? Do you not meet these people, they pop up everywhere, that are already doing something new on yet another free download, that really you should have known about? Never mind that you are running a business, but whatever else you are, it is clear to everyone within earshot that you certainly are not up to speed on social media.

But actually there is no conformity, because as yet there are no experts. There are plenty of people out there telling you what you should be doing, plenty more that can tell you how to do bits of it. But no one can formulate a strategy that will necessarily work for you or your business.

Some nine months ago a client asked why there is no director development provision in our county. I couldn’t answer, but when several people asked the same question I picked up the phone one day in April 09 and invited 15 MD’s to join a group. Twelve agreed and a new group started meeting monthly in May, a second group formed itself in October and we now have a third group.

So how did this happen? Well, they are people I met at a breakfast club, people I meet in the Barrels, my local pub, people who advertise in local publications, people who have heard about the venture by talking to their contacts.

All a bit old fashioned really isn’t it? But it works. Make sure you do not become a slave to all the people who know how to spend your resources of time, energy and money better than you.



At 11/15/2011 1:40 PM , Anonymous Ursula Kidson said...

I just referenced this blog in my dissertation proposal on Social media! Thanks Dad


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