Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bob Dylan on time

Many business leaders are reporting the need to be working harder to achieve the same results as a year or two ago. If this is true for the rest of us then we all need to look more clinically at who we are, and what we want to achieve with the time available.

Some people like master mind groups where all sorts of things can be discussed with the objective of moving participants onwards and upwards. I’ve tried a few but they don’t work for me – I prefer to go direct to experts and pay for the specific expertise that I need, when I need it.

Blogging and article writing can be done with a view to stimulate discussion, analysis and further engagement with people. Bob Dylan was interviewed about his song writing process. He replied that he just observed, thought about it, wrote a song, sung it and then moved on to the next life experience. Once I’ve written a blog, comments are welcome, but essentially I too am moving on to something else.

Client engagement can be a convoluted relationship fest with the adviser consciously or otherwise trying to take root, trying to become an indispensible part of the client’s operation, maybe collecting a handful of non exec directorships on the way. For me, that is an anathema; I just want to get in there, sort out the problems, give them the tools to do it themselves next time and then be on my way.

Helping others that we meet on the journey is all part of our purpose on this earth. It gives me a good feeling to put time aside to meet up with someone, anyone that I perceive I can help. It’s a no strings attached engagement purely designed to help people as I myself have been helped.

So above all else in the 168 hours per week available, we have to find ourselves, then get on and be ourselves. After all, who else could we be?

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