Constants and variables
Some things need to be there all the time. The clearer you are as an individual or as an organisation about where you want be, the more likely you are to get there. This is direction. On the journey, the more trustworthy relationships that you have in all areas of your life, the better the chance of great performance. And this is a cycle, these things have to be revisited periodically. So, direction, trust and performance are constants; they are eternal truths in our lives.However there are variables that distort the model and the two I’m thinking of are time and circumstance. It as if we are swimming in the sea all life long. And when good things happen it is so easy to be buoyant, ride the waves and cut effortlessly through the water. But as time and circumstance are always changing this will not last for long. We may lose a big order, watch a super member of staff leave to live abroad, worry about bad debts, Suddenly the swimming is not so easy and it can feel as if we are struggling to swim at all, being pulled under, drowning even.
And it seems that this push and pull of time and circumstance is always with us. So it is important not to be seduced, not to over react to the really good things that happen, because their impact is likely to be ephemeral. Equally it is crucial that the difficulties, the challenges and the toughness out there is not allowed to sink us.
So how do you stop it, how do you deal with troubles right now? The answer is to go back to the constants, the direction and the trustworthy relationships. You revisit direction and trust to see what performance you really want over the next few years.
And then you can start to swim again.
Labels: direction, organisational performance, three eternal truths, trust and performance
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