Sunday, March 08, 2009

Director development

The most powerful way to develop trust at the top of organisations starts with the externally facilitated 360 degree appraisal of the Managing Director.

The four of us had been in session for some two hours and Charles had already got two really powerful personal development points that linked directly to the Bull's Eye for his company. Rohit and Diana, two of the co directors had been sceptical that this approach would indeed help transform business performance but on the day they really were up for it. Openness, honesty, humility, those are the main requirements for this work.

Right at the end I asked if either had anything else they would like to add or to ask. You are only ever looking for two or three development points for any one person. But Rohit shifted uneasily, he coughed, so I repeated my question. Rohit replied that he was full of admiration for Charles, the way he leads some two thousand employees and always from the front, but...... And his voice trailed away. Charles knew something was coming but he had no idea what it was and I noticed him stiffen.Then Rohit almost pleaded, "I just wish you would listen more".

The Managing Director, in post for some twenty years, had never been spoken to like this before, but it was true. In Board Meetings he would always speak first on any issue. This meant that several of the others round the table didn't say a word, all meeting long.Charles stared out of the window, his shoulders dropped and he said quietly, "I guess that my wife and children would say the same"

And in that split second we all knew that Charles' behaviour would change for ever.

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