Sometimes top people in organisations try to do it all by themselves.I worked with an MD recently who has presided over four consecutive years’ losses. He had three ineffectual co directors and refused to listen or take advice from them or anyone else. He is one of those people that can speak strongly and authoritatively about things that he knows very little about, such as marketing strategy. He had recently masterminded a disastrous premises move, whilst at the same time allowing an almost total lack of financial control.
Nido Quebein, the author, speaker and consultant extraordinaire was speaking at a convention in Florida. One of the two and a half thousand delegates asked him the question, “If you had your time all over again, what would you do differently?”
He answered, “I would go to, and pay, experts sooner”
So why hadn’t my client actually gone to anyone before now? Well it could be due to a lack of self esteem, it could be a sort of “I know best” arrogance, or maybe he just didn’t trust anyone.
We all have to look for and develop relationships based upon trust if we are going to grow and develop.
Labels: competence, experts, relationships, responsibility, trust
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