If we get 99% of our knowledge from 1% of the people that we encounter, that makes these 1% pretty special to us.I met a lady at a business breakfast where I was speaking some years ago. Within five minutes of my leaving the platform, the stranger approached me and said:
“You need to amend the sequence of your business model”
“You need to change your logo”
“You need to write a book”
“You need to be speaking at a higher level”
Amazingly to me, I knew she was right on all four counts and I followed her advice. Sometime later when we talked about a joint business venture, it just didn’t hang together. We tried again recently and we were still talking at crossed purposes somehow.
The temptation is to be wowed by someone’s unique tacit knowledge and then to try to turn it into something else. Usually, but not always, it doesn’t work.
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