Thursday, March 20, 2008

Succession crunch

Dealing effectively with succession issues is more important than ever because of the contraction of the product / service life cycle. The model applies to just about everything, whether it is a committed relationship between two people or the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. The four stages of ‘start up’, ‘growth’, ‘maturity’ and ‘decline’ are simply happening faster than ever before.

Working with a food manufacturer recently, it was the father of this successful third generation family business that was advocating radical change. As Chair, his wise counsel was not being heard by his Managing Director son.

Their relationship seemed sound enough but they had never really talked about the things that really mattered; they had never really listened to each other. And suddenly, on a jugular issue, they needed to.

The lesson is this. In a global knowledge world, start your talking and start your listening early. Like now.


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