Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tough at the top

Sometimes very senior people don’t have time to do best practice because they are “too busy”. It is interesting to work out why this should be, after all everyone has 168 hours per week.

Sometimes it is because they are fundamentally under resourced for what they are trying to achieve; sometimes it is because there is a lack of clarity about what is required to achieve, sometimes colleague’s roles are unclear and this causes confusion. Sometimes the business model doesn’t stack up.

You can encounter a situation where people have been together too long; they are cosy and yes they could almost do their job blindfolded. And they often have a very set way of looking at the world in general and at their business in particular. These are the people that are usually most reluctant to engage in a proper 360-degree appraisal with colleagues, because yes, it could open a “can of worms”.

There is always a reason why people don’t find time to do best practice on a regular basis. Whatever the reason, in the long term it will damage the business.


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