Going all the way
People ask me how I do all these director appraisals. “I mean”, they say, “where do you start?”Well I usually start at the beginning. That can be any question that it is conceivably possible to ask that is in the interests of the organisation.
This conversation may last for two to three hours and the more senior the director, the more crunchy the questions. There is nothing that we cannot talk about, providing that it is in the interests of the organisation.
And so it was that today I asked an Area Director of a plc whether or not he had “thrown in the towel?” Sometimes people that work in large organisations get pulled and pushed by forces that are greater or stronger or more all pervasive than they can hope to be. This can be as a result of, for example, organic growth. What worked ten or twenty years ago may not work today.
And sometimes the bigger and more complex the organisation becomes the more time that can be taken up with centralisation issues and process and politics.
Having said all that, we still have to come out, at the end of the discussion, with two or three development points that we can link to the bull’s eye for the organisation.
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