Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The marketing imperative

We’ve been discussing the marketing versus finance perspective on running a business in several recent client meetings.

One CEO confessed to that he used to ask his PA to read all his Inbox in the first instance in order to vet the content. The PA would just flag up the ones that he was to read. Now we know more about how ‘tacit knowledge’ works and the importance of developing closer relationships with key clients, that has stopped. The CEO reads all his emails.

Similarly with blogging. Many say that “I just haven’t time to do it” but that misses the point. It is not whether we have time to do something in the business that counts, it is whether the business needs the CEO to be doing something or other. This is a world where we all have to review what we do, how we think and how we behave.

Regular blogging as with many other online activities requires a reallocation of resources. Do we do it? Ah well that is when we can revert to a financial perspective on the business. It comes back to the Research and Development Key Performance Indicator. We need to be able to link specific income streams to the new activity, we need to allocate personal responsibility and a timeline. Then we can make a decision.


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