Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Emotional, intuitive and interpersonal intelligences

A lot of personal development work starts with self. It seems to be a paradox that before we can really help others to fulfil their potential, we have to sort ourselves out first. It used to be enough to have an expertise, to be an accountant or an engineer or any kind of professional. But it’s not enough today. Now we have to try to be more. Where does this more come from?

Well, it’s partly to do with our personality, it’s something to do with how we use our energy and our time, it is definitely about our behaviour, what we actually do. It is to do with our particular types of intelligences, it is about how we think and what we have made of our experiences, the things that have happened to us in our life. It is knowing that complexity is declining in value and that simplicity is increasing in value.

And all this is especially so in the knowledge economy. If what we say we do is not actually true, or if we say what we think is not exactly how we think or if we say how we behave but in practice we behave differently, then in this world, we will be found out. And we will be found out quicker than ever before.

Our website says what we do or today perhaps it says what we did. Websites are a bit old fashioned when you can have a weblog, something that allows you to connect with people as you think. So if you think that you are an expert in low vision optometry for example, then when you write about your expertise, others will decide if you know what you are talking about.

So if we can’t cope with the speed of change in the world, or we can’t react fast enough to what is actually happening, then a Board Room is a pretty uncomfortable place to be.


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