Sunday, February 27, 2011

‘Til anger do us part

Sometimes in business, relationships with colleagues, staff, stakeholders or customers just end in frustration and disappointment.

I’ve had problems working with, relating to or even understanding website people over the years. It is often nobody’s fault as such, because looked at objectively, both parties run successful businesses with some great clients. it’s just the way things work out, or don’t work out, in this particular relationship.

What I have learned after 26 years of working with hundreds of clients is three things:
• Every client totally different and it is important to strike up a rapport and an empathy that they are comfortable with
• Mutual trust and respect are an essential ingredient of the relationship
• Any implied or explicit personal criticism of the client, whether justified or not, is probably the fastest way to end the relationship

This business world often requires us to meet and engage with more people than ever before. The link with the vast majority of these people is comparatively easy to break. However if there is another dimension, like you sleep with them or they happen to be your brother........

Well that’s another blog.


Sunday, February 06, 2011

The moving feast

Although it is absolutely true that we do now have to get closer than ever before to colleagues, staff, stakeholders and customers, this does not have to be a life sentence.

Some years ago I worked with the Board of a fast growing £40 million pound company with two husband and wife couples as equal shareholders. I’d been working with them for some ten years as we all watched the business continue to grow rapidly.
One day I was on a training course myself and the presenter made such an impact on me that I telephoned my client at the morning coffee break, to say that I had just met their new business adviser. Mark told me I was mad, but I insisted that we set up a dinner at a hotel where the four directors would meet my successor.

The six of us subsequently had a couple of further strategy meetings, but that was the last practical involvement I had with that company. I still know the directors; in fact we all went out for a curry together just before Christmas.

So yes, in the business context, we do have to get closer to all sorts of people than ever before, but the relationship is always evolving in one way or another simply because time and circumstance are never the same.
