Friday, June 15, 2012


When the directors of a business cannot seem to agree on the Bull’s Eye for their business, the single most common reason is a lack of trust between them.

The finance director was red with rage as she denounced her colleague, director of marketing, in front of me, for half baked ideas. “You bring projects to the table that might sound interesting, but you have nothing on paper, nothing on projected sales and PBT, nothing on cash flow implications.”

Silent, open, hostility.

Then Amanda spat her reply “And if it was left to you and your ability to have any new ideas at all, we wouldn’t even have a business. You are just a bean counter!”

When you share your tacit knowledge with a colleague, however this happens, it will always result in business reward.

Even if this means a parting of the ways.


At 6/22/2012 3:28 AM , Anonymous John Donaldson said...

Can really empathise with this. Perhaps that's why many set up one-man businesses or become sole traders. In business, it really is difficult to fine people you can fully trust.

At 6/22/2012 7:29 AM , Blogger Tim said...

Hi John - if you let me have an email address I'll send you the model I use to develp trust in business.


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