Hot air
You can step out carefully every working morning hoping to be the very best you can, and still there are banana skins that leave you stretched out on your back.I was speaking to a group of business people at Warwick Racecourse last week. There were about sixty in the room so I was all wired up. It was about halfway through the second session of the morning and I had set the delegates an exercise so I nipped out to the Cloakroom.
On my return I was astonished to see the room in uproar with people waving at me, laughing and generally in high spirits. I mean, inviting them to discuss one key strength that will help them hit their Bull’s Eye does not normally get this intensity of reaction.
One of the Event Team came towards me at pace before I re entered the room; she whispered that my visit to the WC, complete with very noisy hand dryer, had been broadcast on the AV system. As a speaker you try to empathise with your audience, but I would never have guessed what had happened if it hadn’t been for the kind and thoughtful intervention of the Event Planner.
Just another reminder only we can determine to try to be successful, but that we cannot do it alone.
Labels: If you tread on a banana skin its nice to have someone help you up
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