One or two of the people I have worked with these last six months have come within the tiniest whisker of throwing their businesses in. Premises, stock, staff, the lot. They had got to the point where it all seemed meaningless, extremely painful and that, as one said, “anything would be better than this reality.”
Sometime in June my middle daughter Jenny gave me a book called Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
In the text he says that “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering.” And in this extraordinary account of his four debilitating years in Auschwitz, Frankl certainly had to make some sense of it all because, as he says, for those prisoners that could make no sense, for those that lost any reason to live, they were very soon, in a matter of days, one way or another, dead.
Frankl went on to quote Nietzsche, the German philosopher who said that “He that has a ‘why’ to live, can bear almost any ‘how’."
So for some of the business people working with what feels like unbearable pressure, day in day out, week in week out, it may well be worth standing back and taking a long hard look at the big picture. Maybe do this exercise with a trusted outsider.
But if you can dig deep enough and really find out why you are doing it, why you will carry on doing it, then it is said, as providence kicks in, that hope springs eternal.
Labels: Inspiration from Viktor Frankl
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