Generalising about expertise
When you are an employee, however senior, in whatever organisation, it’s a bit like being a battery hen. Salary, holidays and key areas of responsibility are often stipulated.When you decide to become self-employed, you are choosing to become a free-range chicken. One day you may find a slug, the next a brandling worm and the next, well maybe nothing at all. That’s how it is.
All the support mechanisms of employment suddenly fall away and you are on your own. In the beginning it can be tough and the reality is that although you set up in business thinking that you are going to be doing one thing, the need to pay the bills often means that you end doing lots of other things as well.
I guess that this is why many of us become, to a greater or lesser extent, generalists in the first instance. However in a knowledge world, expertise is the name of the game.
mmm, I think if the organisation is embracing change it can often empower its employees to make many of their own decisions with regard to salary, holidays and key areas of responsibility. This is when 1 and 1 can equal 5 and the battery hens become free range chickens eating organically without having their wings clipped!
Needs a pretty transparent and motivated company, but if you make it, you are rewarded with a community where the relationship is more important than anything else, and rules become boundaries.
I hate rules.
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