Expertise and argument
We have to be experts. That is what can differentiate us from competition in the market place. Generalists are ten a penny. A generalist can become an expert but that is another blog.A lot of individuals and organisations are recognising that as you move along the road towards expertise in your chosen area, there does seem to be more conflict from others. This can occur for all sorts of reasons. That is another blog too.
When you are a generalist, the arrow of your message is blunt, in fact it may not penetrate very far at all. On the other hand the farther you go down the road of expertise, the more you hone the point of your message, the more slick it becomes and then it can go deep, particularly with target audiences.
So what about the conflict? That’s OK, just ride it out with logic, with creative ideas that solve problems here and now, with even a smile.
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