Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year’s Revolution

So many leaders are recognising the enormous value of genuine trust between people at the top of organisations. It is partly the speed of change of the product and service life cycle that is making trust a more and more valuable commodity.

Successful directors increasingly need to change what they do, how they think and how they behave; many of us have to do this faster and faster and faster. The most powerful way to develop high levels of trust in organisations works as follows:
* Get an external facilitator that is firstly trustworthy, and secondly totally unafraid to ask any question of anyone whatsoever.
* Take the Board of Directors of say, four people, and advise that they are going to appraise one another with the facilitator, starting with the CEO.
* Each appraisal will normally last between two and three hours, at the end of which each director will have two or three development points that link directly to the bull’s eye for the organisation.
* All directors are privy to each other’s personal development points. It is the sharing of this information that is the catalyst for great relationships where one and one really can make three or four.

Great relationships at the top are required in order to develop and sustain competitive advantage in the knowledge economy.


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