Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It’s a large world

I was attending a Nigel Risner boot camp last week. Despite being one of the UK’s leading international speakers, an author and participant on the prestigious Richard and Judy show, Nigel pointed out that he is virtually unknown in this country.

To emphasise the point he invited anyone in the group to walk down Watford High Street and ask any member of the public if they have heard of Dr Stephen Covey. As many readers of this column will know, Dr Covey is a global business and personal development icon. Nigel was willing to bet that you would be walking for a long time before meeting anyone that has heard of Dr Covey.

The leadership issue here is that we sometimes fundamentally underestimate the size of our potential or actual market. In the knowledge economy market places are changing so fast that we need to understand this in order to be in a position to optimise our marketing strategy.


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