When the CEO presides over a settled top team it says a lot of positive things for the culture in an organisation and indeed for the style and integrity of the leader too. And if the business is blasting through successive Bull’s Eye targets as well, what more do you want?The answer is: to keep it going. Peak performing teams don’t win the title once; they do it again and again and again.
The client and I first worked with the Bull’s Eye concept nearly ten years ago. The team then was the same as it was last week, with the exception of one or two additions. The pre meeting messages about organisational performance were all very strong in a competitive market.
When I asked members of the executive what their personal development points, linked to the Bull’s Eye actually are, no one could tell me. The lesson of the Sigmoid Curve is that none of us can afford to take our eye off the ball at any time, especially when we are doing well.
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