Part company
When the CEO is feuding with his number two or three or four, for whatever reason, then the result is always the same. Day after day, week after week, month after month and sometimes even year after year, time, energy and resources are being frittered away.With world class competition and ever more demanding customers it is pure self-indulgence to not resolve the issues in the interests of the organisation at the earliest possible opportunity.
So often in these situations the protagonists are both coming, remorselessly, repetitively from first position. In a speaking scenario for example, first position is what we think about our own performance, second position is what our customers think, and third position is how we rank vis a vis the competition in the market place.
People only convincingly change how they think, change what they do, and change how they behave when they are able to see the issues from all three positions. And even then the feud may continue and that is the time to part company.
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