Sunday, December 17, 2006


People at the top of organisations have a tough job and that is why they get paid well to do it. Sometimes there is a new project or a new investment and after all the consulting and all the collaboration, they are ultimately responsible for the call that they have to make.

I encounter people in this situation all the time. I get asked are there any ground rules, any kind of ways to look at things that can help in the decision making process.

One that springs to mind is to look at the broader picture surrounding the key decision. How will it affect staff? How will it affect the resources of the organisation? Resources include time, energy and money. Does this particular investment or project need to be done right now?

I am aware that there amazing people like Richard Branson around who seems to achieve extraordinary feats even when all the indicators point in the opposite direction. However the vast majority of us are not like Richard Branson, so if most of the indicators suggest that we will be stretched very thinly if we proceed , then at the very least we need to go back to the drawing board and think again.

I know its boring this way Richard.


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